Maine Movers

Movers in Maine
Liberty Bell Moving & Storage hires and trains superior movers in Maine, to provide our customers with quick and efficient moving experience anywhere in Maine. We offer hourly rate movers or can provide binding estimates to keep the cost of you moving services down. If your looking to hire the best Maine movers, look no further than Liberty Bell Moving & Storage.
One of the Best Moving Companies in Maine
If you looking to hire the best of all the moving companies in Maine, call Liberty Bell Moving & Storage. Were the only Maine moving company that has offices throughout the state, which enables us to dispatch movers on demand. Our Maine movers cover the entire Pine Tree State and have office in:
We know as the top rated movers of all the local Moving Companies in Maine and make sure that the employees at Liberty Bell Moving & Storage exceed our customer expectations.
Liberty Bell Moving & Storage is Maine’s leader in quality moving services. We are fully certified and insured in the state of Maine. Our Service provides customers with professionally trained movers ready to ensure a seamless moving experience. Liberty Bell Moving and Storage is a company that prides ourselves on customer service, safety, and professionalism. We train the best movers because we treat your things with the same care as we would treat our own. Liberty Bell Moving and Storage has an excellent rating from the Google Local Business and is well reviewed on:
We offer a complete moving service including:
Please feel free to Call or E-mail us directly to speak with a Branch Manager.
Office: (207) 890-7475
Liberty Bell Moving & Storage specializes in the following moving services:
- Local Moving
- Long Distance Moving
- Pool Table Movers
- Piano Movers
- Fitness Equipment Movers
- Storage Facilities
- Packing
- White Glove Delivery
Liberty Bell Moving & Storage has Maine locations in the following towns:
Areas Served:
Don’t see your city listed? We can still help! Give us a ring for a Estimate today.
Androscoggin County
- Auburn
- Durham
- Greene
- Leeds
- Leedes
- Lewiston
- Lisbon
- Livermore
- Livermore Falls
- Mechanic Falls
- Minot
- Poland
- Sabattus
- Turner
- Wales
Aroostook County
- Allagash
- Amity
- Ashland
- Bancroft
- Blaine
- Bridgewater
- Caribou
- Castle Hill
- Caswell
- Chapman
- Crystal
- Dyer Brook
- Eagle Lake
- Easton
- Fort Fairfield
- Fort Kent
- Frenchville
- Grand Isle
- Hamlin
- Hammond
- Haynesville
- Hersey
- Hodgdon
- Houlton
- Island Falls
- Limestone
- Linneus
- Littleton
- Ludlow
- Madawaska
- Mapleton
- Mars Hill
- Masardis
- Merrill
- Monticello
- New Canada
- New Limerick
- New Sweden
- Oakfield
- Orient
- Perham
- Portage Lake
- Presque Isle
- Saint Agatha
- Saint Francis
- Sherman
- Smyrna
- Stockholm
- Van Buren
- Wade
- Wallagrass
- Washburn
- Westfield
- Westmanland
- Weston
- Woodland
Cumberland County
- Baldwin
- Bailey Island
- Bridgton
- Brunswick
- Cape Elizabeth
- Casco
- Chebeague Island
- Cumberland
- Cumberland Center
- Cumberland Foreside
- Falmouth
- Freeport
- Frye Island
- Gorham
- Gray
- Harpswell
- Harrison
- Long Island
- Naples
- New Gloucester
- North Yarmouth
- Orrs Island
- Portland
- Pownal
- Raymond
- Scarborough
- Sebago
- South Portland
- Standish
- Steep Falls
- Westbrook
- Windham
- Yarmouth
Franklin County
- Avon
- Carrabassett Valley
- Carthage
- Chesterville
- Eustis
- Farmington
- Industry
- Jay
- Kingfield
- New Sharon
- New Vineyard
- Phillips
- Rangeley
- Strong
- Temple
- Weld
- Wilton
Hancock County
- Amherst
- Aurora
- Bar Harbor
- Bernard
- Blue Hill
- Brooklin
- Brooksville
- Bucksport
- Castine
- Cranberry Isles
- Dedham
- Deer Isle
- East Blue Hill
- Eastbrook
- Ellsworth
- Franklin
- Frenchboro
- Gouldsboro
- Great Pond
- Hancock
- Lamoine
- Mariaville
- Mount Desert
- Orland
- Osborn
- Otis
- Penobscot
- Prospect Harbor
- Salsbury Cove
- Seal Harbor
- Sedgwick
- Sorrento
- Southwest Harbor
- Stonington
- Sullivan
- Surry
- Swans Island
- Tremont
- Trenton
- Verona Island
- Waltham
- Winter Harbor
Kennebec County
- Albion
- Belgrade
- Benton
- Chelsea
- China
- Clinton
- Farmingdale
- Fayette
- Hallowell
- Litchfield
- Manchester
- Monmouth
- Mount Vernon
- Oakland
- Pittston
- Randolph
- Readfield
- Rome
- Sidney
- Vassalboro
- Vienna
- Waterville
- Wayne
- West Gardiner
- Windsor
- Winslow
- Winthrop
Knox County
- Appleton
- Camden
- Cushing
- Friendship
- Hope
- Isle au Haut
- Louds Island
- Monhegan Plantation
- North Haven
- Owls Head
- Rockport
- Saint George
- Spruce Head
- South Thomaston
- Thomaston
- Union
- Vinalhaven
- Warren
- Washington
Lincoln County
- Alna
- Boothbay Harbor
- Boothbay
- Bremen
- Bristol
- Chamberlain
- Damariscotta
- Dresden
- East Boothbay
- Edgecomb
- Jefferson
- Newcastle
- Nobleboro
- Somerville
- South Bristol
- Southport
- Waldoboro
- Westport
- Whitefield
- Wiscasset
Oxford County
- Denmark
- Dixfield
- Fryeburg
- Gilead
- Greenwood
- Hanover
- Hartford
- Hebron
- Hiram
- Lovel
- Magalloway Plantation
- Mexico
- Milton
- Newry
- Norway
- Otisfield
- Oxford
- Paris
- Peru
- Porter
- Roxbury
- Rumford
- Stoneham
- Stow
- Sumner
- Sweden
- Upton
- Waterford
- West Paris
- Woodstock
Penobscot County
- Alton
- Bangor
- Bradford
- Bradley
- Brewer
- Burlington
- Carmel
- Charleston
- Chester
- Clifton
- Corinna
- Corinth
- Dexter
- Dixmont
- East Millinocket
- Eddington
- Edinburg
- Enfield
- Etna
- Exeter
- Garland
- Glenburn
- Greenbush
- Hampden
- Hermon
- Holden
- Howland
- Hudson
- Kenduskeag
- Lagrange
- Lakeville
- Lee
- Levant
- Lincoln
- Lowell
- Mattawamkeag
- Maxfield
- Medway
- Milford
- Millinocket
- Mount Chase
- Newburgh
- Newport
- Orono
- Orrington
- Passadumkeag
- Patten
- Plymouth
- Springfield
- Stacyville
- Stetson
- Veazie
- Winn
- Woodville
Piscataquis County
- Abbot
- Atkinson
- Beaver Cove
- Bowerbank
- Brownville
- Dover-Foxcroft
- Greenville
- Guilford
- Medford
- Milo
- Monson
- Parkman
- Sangerville
- Sebec
- Shirley
- Wellington
- Willimantic
Sagadahoc County
Somerset County
- Anson
- Athens
- Bingham
- Cambridge
- Canaan
- Caratunk
- Cornville
- Detroit
- Embden
- Fairfield
- Harmony
- Hartland
- Jackman
- Madison
- Magalloway Plantation
- Mercer
- Moose River
- Moscow
- New Portland
- Norridgewock
- Palmyra
- Pittsfield
- Ripley
- St. Albans
- Skowhegan
- Smithfield
- Solon
- Starks
Waldo County
- Belmont
- Brooks
- Burnham
- Frankfort
- Freedom
- Islesboro
- Jackson
- Knox
- Liberty
- Lincolnville
- Monroe
- Montville
- Morrill
- Northport
- Palermo
- Prospect
- Searsmont
- Searsport
- Stockton Springs
- Swanville
- Thorndike
- Troy
- Unity
- Waldo
- Winterport
Washington County
- Addison
- Alexander
- Baileyville
- Baring Plantation
- Beals
- Beddington
- Calais
- Charlotte
- Cherryfield
- Codyville Plantation
- Columbia Falls
- Columbia
- Cooper
- Crawford
- Cutler
- Danforth
- Deblois
- Dennysville
- East Machias
- Eastport
- Harrington
- Jonesboro
- Jonesport
- Lubec
- Machias
- Machiasport
- Marshfield
- Meddybemps
- Milbridge
- Northfield
- Pembroke
- Perry
- Princeton
- Robbinston
- Roque Bluffs
- Steuben
- Talmadge
- Topsfield
- Vanceboro
- Waite
- Wesley
- Whiting
- Whitneyville